Inflation Statistics 2023

In the complex world of economics, where uncertainty looms, and challenges abound, one phenomenon holds power to trouble financial stability: inflation. As we delve into numbers and analysis, it becomes clear that inflation, the silent force behind rising prices, has firmly entrenched itself in our economic reality. While we strive for progress and prosperity, it's essential to acknowledge the prevailing pessimism surrounding the current inflationary landscape.

Our analysis and interpretation of inflation statistics are based on a comprehensive compilation of data, gathering insights from numerous reputable sources. These sources encompass diverse research studies, economic analyses, and surveys, offering extensive information on different aspects such as inflation patterns, demographic impacts, consumer behavior, and more.

Key Findings

  • The inflation rate in the United States reached 4.0% in May 2023.
  • Gasoline prices experienced a significant reduction of -12.2% over the past 12 months.
  • 41% of small business owners identify inflation as their primary concern.
  • Despite rising inflation rates, 40% of consumers want to increase their spending in the coming year.
  • 46% of Gen Z respondents anticipate an economic rebound within the next two to three months, whereas only 22% of baby boomers share the same sentiment.
  • 90% of the chief economists expect high or very high inflation in 2023 in Europe.
  • In the United States, the percentage of respondents anticipating high inflation has reached 68%.

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Overview of the Latest Inflation Statistics

The inflation rate in the United States reached 4.0% in May 2023, marking the lowest increase seen since April 2021.

The food index remains the same in April

Although the food index is still at a high rate of 7.7%, the overall food index remained unchanged in April compared to the previous month. In April, the cost of food at home decreased by 0.2%, following a 0.3% decrease in March.

Four of the six main food categories in grocery stores experienced a decline in prices during April. The prices of fruits and vegetables decreased by 0.5%, while meats, poultry, fish, and eggs saw a 0.3% decline.

Dairy and related products experienced a 0.7% decrease. Nonalcoholic beverages also experienced a slight decline of 0.1 percent during the month.

On the other hand, the food away from home index saw a rise of 0.4%.

Shelter, the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase

Over the course of the past 12 months, there has been a significant 8.1% increase in the shelter index. In the month of April, the shelter index experienced a 0.4% rise, following a 0.6% increase in March. During April, the index for rental prices saw a 0.6% growth, while the index for owners' equivalent rent also went up by 0.5%.

The index for gasoline is another strong contributor to the monthly all items increase

While the gasoline index witnessed a significant decrease of 12.2% over the past 12 months, there was a notable increase of 3.0% in April. This increase came after a substantial 4.6% decrease in the previous month.

Latest inflation statistics

Country-Specific Inflation Statistics

According to the latest survey of the World Economic Forum, there is a growing pessimism regarding inflation compared to January. Across all regions, there has been a notable increase in respondents anticipating high or very high inflation this year.

Heightened inflation outlook in Europe

The survey reveals a particularly alarming situation in Europe, where 90% of the chief economists now expect high or very high inflation in 2023. This figure represents a significant rise from January, where only 57% held similar expectations.

Escalating inflation concerns in the United States

In the United States, the number of respondents anticipating high inflation has surged dramatically. The survey indicates that 68% of economists now expect high inflation, nearly three times the proportion recorded in January.

Inflation expectations in other regions

Similarly to the first two groups, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean have witnessed a significant change, with 74% and 73% of respondents, respectively, predicting high inflation. A slight majority of economists (52%) also anticipate high inflation in the Middle East and North Africa.

China's unique inflation outlook

China stands out as an outlier, as only a small proportion (14%) of respondents expect high inflation, though this figure has increased from 5% in January.

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Global inflation rates vary widely

Looking at the data, it is evident that inflation rates vary across countries. Some nations, like South Sudan and Bahrain, experienced negative inflation of about -6.2% and -0.1%, respectively. On the other hand, countries such as Venezuela and Lebanon witnessed high inflation rates, reaching staggering levels of 436% and 269%, respectively.

Impact of Inflation on Small Businesses

Inflation can impact numerous sectors, notably small businesses, as it affects purchasing power, production costs, and consumer behavior. The escalating concerns regarding its impact have elevated it to a primary concern among small business owners, with a substantial majority expressing a sense of worry.

Small business owners remain worried about inflation

Inflation continues to be a major cause for concern among small business owners, with a significant majority expressing worry. According to recent data, 91% of small business owners are concerned about inflation, showing no change from the previous quarter.

Inflation even tops the list of their concerns

Not only are most small businesses owners worried about inflation, but they also identify it as their primary concern. Approximately 41% of small business owners identify inflation as their primary worry, indicating the severe impact it can have on business operations and profitability.

Confidence in the Federal Reserve's ability to tackle inflation remains low

In addition to expressing concerns about inflation, small business owners lack confidence in the Federal Reserve's ability to combat it. Only 31% of small business owners believe in the Federal Reserve's capacity to address inflation effectively.

Financial Hardships Due to Inflation

61% of Americans indicate that the recent price surge has resulted in financial difficulties for their households. This figure represents a six-percentage-point rise since November 2022, the highest recorded since Gallup began tracking this measure.

Inflation severely affects 15% of US adults' standard of living

Among the respondents surveyed, a consistent 15% of US adults reported that the hardship caused by inflation is severe and has a tangible impact on their ability to maintain their current standard of living. Rising prices significantly affect these individuals, threatening their financial stability and overall quality of life.

Less than half of Americans experience moderate impact from inflation

While inflation burdens a significant portion of the population, approximately 46% of respondents stated that the impact of rising prices is moderate. Although they feel the effects of inflation, their current standard of living is not jeopardized.

Lower-income Americans bear the brunt of inflation's hardship

29% of US adults with an annual household income below $40,000 are experiencing severe hardship due to rising prices. Meanwhile, 46% describe the impact as moderate.

Middle-income Americans are moderately affected by inflation

In comparison, middle-income adults accounting for 50%, acknowledge inflation as a moderate hardship, with 15% characterizing it as severe. This group demonstrates a higher resilience level than lower-income individuals, as they are less likely to experience extreme difficulties caused by the increasing prices.

Upper-income adults appear less affected by inflation

Only 45% reported hardship resulting from price increases. Most of this group, representing 55%, states that rising prices have not impacted them. These findings suggest that individuals with higher incomes are generally more insulated from the damaging effects of inflation.

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Effects on Consumer Purchasing Power

  • According to the most recent findings, consumers are concerned about escalating prices due to inflation and job security uncertainties. However, consumers still have an underlying positivity, which drives their continued spending habits.

Data indicates an interesting spending paradox: consumers are willing to splurge on specific items while opting for more affordable alternatives.

Suggested Reading:  

  • If you are looking to hedge against inflation, you need to invest in precious metals.  I've created this guide to the top gold investment companies for those interested in learning more.
  •  Delving even further into precious metals, many Americans are learning they can use their 401k, PSP, IRA, or pension plan to invest in gold, silver, and other metals.  I also created a  guide to the 401k to gold IRA rollover which you should read to find out how simple it is.
  • Lastly, if you are looking for a reputable company to help you invest in precious metals either for home delivery or in your IRA, I recommend you read my Goldco review to find out why they are the top rated company to work with.

Consumer optimism persists despite inflationary pressures

Despite rising inflation rates, 40% of consumers want to increase their spending in the coming year. It is important to note that younger individuals and those with higher incomes generally hold a more positive outlook on the economy and are more inclined to make purchases.

Generational consumer spending patterns amid inflation concerns

While cost-conscious choices are favored by 88% of Gen Z respondents, 64% are still willing to indulge in splurging. Additionally, 61% of Gen Z and Millennials plan to spend on clothing, shoes, and accessories. Interestingly, groceries and dining out remain popular splurge categories across all age groups, despite the inflationary environment.

Employment security worries heighten among younger consumers amid inflationary pressures

Younger consumers, in particular, are worried about the stability of their jobs amidst mounting inflationary pressures. 74% of Gen Z and 62% of Millennials express concerns about employment. This anxiety can be partly attributed to the economic consequences of inflation. In contrast, baby boomers, many of whom are retired and unlikely to return to the workforce, exhibit relatively lower levels of concern.

Gen Z balances concerns and optimism amid inflation and job security worries

Despite being the most anxious about employment, Gen Z demonstrates remarkable optimism despite inflation and job security concerns. 46% of Gen Z respondents anticipate an economic rebound within the next two to three months, whereas only 22% of baby boomers share the same sentiment.

If you are worried about inflation, the best thing you can do is start a precious metals IRA with the top rated company in the business:  Goldco.


In conclusion, the latest statistics on inflation reveal a concerning trend that demands attention. Rising prices across various sectors and increased consumer spending have contributed to a steady uptick in inflation rates. This development poses challenges to individuals, businesses, and policymakers alike. As we navigate these uncertain times, it becomes imperative to closely monitor inflation, adopt appropriate measures to reduce its impact, and work towards ensuring stability in the economy for the benefit of all.


World Economic Forum
Survey Monkey